Cities of the Future

Cities of the Future was a team-based project we were assigned in ICS 311 (Algorithms). Our task was to identify a problem and find out how we could fix this problem, through various forms of algorithms and data structures, to effectively achieve the goal of improving the functionality or solving the problem at hand. Our group chose to create a city, where all problems that occur in modern ones, were to be fixed.

Our Research project serves as a comprehensive exploration into the complexities of urban development, narrowing and focusing in on four specific domains: Traffic Management, Energy Consumption Optimization, Healthcare efficiency, and Water Resource Management.

For this project, I was tasked with Identifying how to improve Healthcare efficiency. I utilized algorithms such as a priority scheduling system, utilizing and assigning priority types to patient appointments, with the goal of identifying which appointments to put first in a given data set of numerous patients. First-Come-First-Serve scheduling (FCFS) ensures fairness among common priority level appointments and the Shortest Job First algorithm (SJF) to maximize efficiency in our Healthcare scheduling program. Data structures such as B-tree were also chosen due to their high compatibility with scheduling algorithms due to their self-sorting nature.

As a team, we were all tasked to choose algorithms and data structures, with the idea of time and space complexity in mind. We learned how to utilize the best possible choices, based on the job at hand, as well as necessary teamwork and team-building skills, as we joined together to create a proficient project of creating an advanced urban landscape.

Here is a snippet of our introduction paragraph, as well as the section I wrote:


  This research paper serves as a comprehensive exploration into the intricacies of urban development by honing in on four critical domains:
Traffic Management, Energy Consumption Optimization, Healthcare Availability, and Water Resource Management. Each of these domains represents
a pivotal aspect of modern city life, and this paper seeks to illuminate their nuanced challenges and opportunities. The crux of our
investigation lies in the judicious application of advanced algorithms and tailored data structures, strategically designed to cater to
the unique demands of each sector. The subsequent sections will intricately dissect the applications of algorithms and data structures 
within each domain, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these technological interventions can propel urban environments toward
sustainable, efficient, and resilient futures.

Final Project - Final Write up Cities of the Future